From the time that a female is born until she has a return to the operation is at least 2.75 years. Now I said that she had a return, I didn’t say that she returned a profit. Profit comes with “Stayability!” Stayability is a word that represents the amount of time that Females stay in the herd. Females that stay in the herd longer are by far the most profitable. With the high costs associated with the development of replacement females, sustained production in the herd is essential. A Gelbvieh influence in the female has proven “Stayability” in the herd longer.
You will read throughout the catalog that I make notes about the Stayability of the Dam’s. In this 2018 Sale catalog, you will find Bulls and Heifers out of Dams that were born in 2002. These Dams are still functional genetically but they are also still sound structurally, excel in Udder quality and Breed right Back. It is our goal to allow our females to produce until they are no longer meeting the genetic challenges of Performance, Structure Integrity, Docility and the overall Maternal Characteristics. We continue to find the Gelbvieh and Balancer Females can easily meet these challenges for a minimum of 7 years and many are still productive for 10-15 years. Now that is “Stayability!”

Gelbvieh and Balancer Cattle offer maternal superiority through increased longevity, added fertility and more pounds of calf weaned per cow exposed than any other breed. In addition, Gelbvieh and Balancer females offer a reduced mature cow size, more maternal milk, great calving ease and reach puberty at an earlier age. US Meat & Animal Research Center data shows Gelbvieh influenced females have the smallest mature cow size of the four major continental breeds. The Gelbvieh breed was the only breed in the study to reduce mature cow size to an average of 1,382 pounds. This reduced mature cow-size allows for puberty to be reached at an earlier age, which leads to calving earlier in the season and producing a heavier calf at a younger age.
This Year, we are offering the largest selection yet of “Maternal Edge” females. Many of these heifers are from our herd but all have been selected for quality, disposition and performance to give you a “Maternal Edge” in your herd. Maternal heterosis leads to the combined improvement in traits from the dam that cause increases in the performance of her and of her progeny. Examples of maternal heterosis in a beef cow include: Younger age at puberty, increased calving rate, increased survival of calf to weaning and of course, “Stayability”; longevity and pounds of calf produced in her lifetime.
Again this year, we are offering you a unique opportunity on March 5th to make your replacement choices without making the entire “Capital” outlay on March 5th. We are calling it, “Maternal Edge 2018”, “You Buy Em, We Breed Em!!” Turn to page 38 & 39 for complete details of both the development and financing of your heifers for 2019. These Females have been specifically selected for their ability to Stay and Produce in your herd for a long time. Plan for your replacement needs, you don’t have to just take what you can find!!