I have always believed that there is something larger than the moment and the individual. You won’t always know what that is but if you belong to or create a system for operations, you are in a better position to manage through the unknowns. When Blake made the decision that we would again be calving in December and January, he …
25 Years!!
Here we are 25 years since it all began. Our first decision was to make a breed choice. After studying the strengths and weaknesses of several breeds, we felt that the Gelbvieh Breed had more to offer to compliment other breeds through a Cross Breeding system than any other breed. After 25 years, we still feel that way today. We …
Understanding Your Opportunity
Last year I mentioned in my welcome that the cattle industry is right on the edge of being “Really, Really Good!” I really believed that because all the fundamentals of the cattle industry were pointing towards a cattle inventory that would continue to decrease because we are still culling the cow herd. We have killed too much of the factory, …
Relentless in the Pursuit Of Excellence
Pursuit Of Excellence is defined only by you. Only you can set the goals and objectives that make sense for your operation. Whether you live in an area that requires only 1 acre of grass for each animal unit or 40 acres of grass for each animal unit, these are factors in your environment that will need to be considered …
Having a focus on tomorrow, as you’re making decisions today!
Often when I am talking to cattlemen they ask me what would be the best kind of a bull for my herd. Everyone is looking for the quick easy answer but the answer is much more complex than that. Several factors need to be considered and I generally find myself asking a lot of questions so I can make a …
“THE INSIDE STORY” By Alan Hojer, Hojer Gelbvieh Ranch
Traditionally at this time, I would send out a mailing to alert you to watch your mail box for the 2004 HOJER GELBVIEH RANCH SALE CATALOG. I would also tell you more about the bulls in the offering. This year I want to take this time to tell you about us and why we do what we do and when …